
D.Bunty & anzyM - e/c

Pay what you want :


You will be redirected to Paypal.
Once you have paid, you may have to click on the "return to dbunty" link (or something similar) in order to get your album.
If you have any problem downloading your album after the purchase, please contact us and give us your email address, date of purchase and the name of the album you tried to purchase.

We will need you to give Paypal your actual email address. Without your email address we will not be able to verify your order and we will not be able to send you your music in case the download goes wrong.


The album you download comes in a .rar package containing m4a files. Rar is a format that compresses data and makes it possible to download multiple files at once. You will need to extract the .rar file with your usual unzipping software (or winrar) in order to get the album.

If you pay at least 8€, you will get a physical CD at home. The address we will ship it to is the address you will give to paypal during your payment. If you do not receive your CD within two weeks, feel free to contact us and give us your information.